Stuart Pendergast Stuart Pendergast

The Carnarvon Strangler!

Purple Bushbean -the Carnarvon Strangler

Lurking in every corner of our lovely town, with it’s sights set on choking the life out of your garden…is the insidious, the incessant


Also Known As: Siratro, Conchito, Atro, Cowpea, or Phasey Bean.

A species of Macroptilium that’s native to tropical North, Central & South America, this hairy strangler vine is classified as invasive in Australia & despite having some pretty purple flowers, it is a real pest (and it’s a murderer - did we mention it’s a murderer??)

The flower of the Purple Bushbean.. Don’t let its beauty fool you!

The Purple Bushbean is fast growing, stubborn perennial that grows up to 5 metres high and 5 metres wide (per plant!). It’s “modus operandi”?…. It smothers other plants and small trees. Slowly killing them.

(The term perennial refers to any plant or shrub that grows during 3 or more seasons each year….)


It loves most types of soils & is super difficult to kill. BOOOOO!

Ok, so that’s all very doomy & gloomy…. Are you ready for some good news?

Yeah sorry, Sadly there isn’t much good news on this one. It is a real pest & will take both patience & persistence to get rid of it. But it CAN be done.

Check out the photo of Stu on an excavator removing a heap of this a few months ago.. Hiring an excavator to kill the strangler is an option

Our tips to kill it, before it kills your garden?

  • It can be hand pulled, whipper-snipped or mowed but that won’t kill it - just reduce it. this.

  • Removing the whole crown by grubbing (basically digging and the soil beneath and around it) is the most effective manual/ mechanical control method. Like the excavator above. A shovel is an alternative if you don’t have an excavator handy :)

  • Poison the area where the roots are / were with a herbicide such as Earthcore Glyphosate (the roots will likely be left behind as this thing is tough!). Read the label carefully before use & follow those instructions please.. Oh, and Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide so it will kill everything - if you have other plants nearby, best to not use this one.

  • Repeat the above as soon as you see it re-sprout.

    Remember, the Purple Bushbean is strong & stubborn so persistence is needed.

    (alternatively: dig up the whole area, dispose of that soil and put in some new soil ).

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Good luck. Please share your tips or success stories!

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